Thursday, November 4, 2010

Warrant is Waiting Signature

Well this is a strange turn of events...

Judge approves warrant.  Jerome Beasley's warrant is awaiting signature. 

Also found out some interesting news... Jerome could have left in August to work, should have left in August, but would rather hang around GF with a bunch of bums, acting like teenagers do in the summer, no worries, no responsibilities, no cares in the world.  Even going back farther... he should have been gone all Summer working since he hasn't helped in the last five years, he has alot of ground to cover!

I will never understand how talent and great potential can be wasted on a mindless, selfish grown human being..?

How can people not see right through him?  My hat goes off to the judge!  Really.... almost there.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hopefully the warrant gets signed ASAP!!

  3. Bout time, pray that sitting in jail makes some sort of difference in his 18 year old mind

  4. For REAL! I'll help ma, let me know what you need and I will do everything within my grasp...

  5. Its amazing what status quo can get you.

  6. You know how you shouldn't judge people... well people forget that it goes both ways.

  7. This guy sounds like a real nut job...seriously though. Something's not making sense like...are you saying he's currently not working which is playing basketball. Therefore he's not making any money...playing basketball...but just hanging around GF with a bunch of his friends. Maybe he's gay and it's just something new to him and if so, after the newness of being gay gets old. He'll be so over it and will go back to making money.
